Frackin universe weapons seem a little under powered. Weapons Stats displays item level, the damage per second (DPS) and the damage per energy (DPE) for swords and guns. Well, have you ever wanted to create your own weapon in VANILLA Starbound? Frackin Universe Best Weapons Mods Alter So Frackin Universe Best Weapons Mods Alter So. Its worth noting that given these mods alter so much of the original game, theyre probably best suited to those whove spent a long time playing, or are perhaps fed up with playing, the vanilla game. So it's important to have different types of weapons for each planet, monster, or bosses your going up against so you don't end up shredded. Frackin Universe adds a large number of gear items that transform or gain bonus stats when upgraded to higher tiwers, and this is just a little thing both pointing out this fact as well as talking about the ones that gain a lot from it. D&D Beyond Frackin Universe Best Weapons Mods Alter So. Separate mods Starbooze and Bees are also slotted in there which add, funnily enough, alcohol and bees to the sandbox. Its worth noting that, unfortunately, the Container UI tweak isnt compatible with the aforementioned Inventory Interface mod.

A: Starbound is generating a universe and looking for a starting system that fits exact specifications. This mod may be incompatible with other mods that alter or replace the vanilla broadswordcombo/hammersmash weaponabilities.You just need to add "/spawnitem (weapon/armor you want) 1" in front. This mod will affect other mods' broadswords and hammers as long as those weapons use the vanilla broadswordcombo/hammersmash abilities. Note: secondary (right click) attacks are unaffected. Note: affected weapons will not point towards the cursor in their idle hold animations.

Oh, and this is my first time uploading something - so bear that in mind.Ĭhanges the standard (left click) attacks of broadswords and hammers to aim towards the cursor, instead of only horizontally left or right. Also, please report any FU melee weapons that you can't aim. This is a standalone mod, yet I highly encourage you get the original one aswell unless you want to be unable to aim broadswords and hammers. NOTE: This mod doesn't contain the original mod itself. Attempted to update scythe weapons.Ī patch to allow the aiming of non-aimable melee weapons (battleaxes, scythes, etc.) from Frackin' Universe. UPDATE: 1.2.4 - modified the structure of the patches to stop a single patch test operation from completely stopping unrelated patch operations (as suggested by Khe).